How To Use
1) Place firelighters or scrunched up paper and dry kindling wood in the base of the firebox.
2) Fully open all air controls – refer to operating manual for your particular heater.
3) Light the paper or firelighters.
4) Leave the door slightly ajar for the first 10-15 minutes of start-up to help the fire establish more quickly. Do not leave the heater unattended during this time.
5) Once the fire has taken hold, progressively add larger pieces of wood. For optimal burn conditions, place the logs in a front to back orientation (right angles to the door opening). Too many or too large logs may smother the fire.
Depending on the type of wood burnt and frequency, the ashes will need removing every 2 to 6 weeks. Excess ashes should be removed when necessary, placed in a non-combustible container such as the ash pan beneath and moved outdoors immediately to a location clear of combustible materials. Leave a small amount of ash, approximately 10mm thick, in the bottom of the firebox. This helps to insulate the base of the firebox.
It is recommended to inspect your flue and have it cleaned, if necessary, before the start of the season every year. Given the nature of the job and the potential for damaging or dislodging of flue components it is recommended that this be completed by a qualified flue cleaning service.
To inspect the flue:
- Remove the baffle plate (refer to ‘Replacing the Baffle Plate’ under Maintenance & Servicing) in your operating manual.
- Hold a small mirror on an angle below the flue, with a torch shining towards it, and look for black creosote build-up. It is normal to see a fine black powdery layer, but if built up layers of creosote can be seen, the flue requires cleaning.
- If no cleaning is required, re-fit the baffle plate.
Put down two split logs with a space between them and put some twisted newspaper in the space. Add some fine kindling - one inch across or less - on the newspaper and more kindling of various sizes across the two logs. This method works well because the two logs give some space for the newspaper and kindling to get a good start. Their burning is usually enough to ignite the two larger logs. After the kindling has almost burned out, more wood must be added to make a full fire.
To clean the glass, we recommend using a household window cleaner or general purpose cleaner with a soft cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaner or scourer pads.